Blurred cover of Beautiful Getaway - Weekend in the Savoy region
Cover of Beautiful Getaway - Weekend in the Savoy region
Cover of Beautiful Getaway - Weekend in the Savoy region
Open France Channel

Beautiful Getaway - Weekend in the Savoy region

Raphaël de Casabianca takes viewers on a journey to discover the charms and secrets of Haute-Savoie. He begins his journey in Annecy, where he meets Stéphane Thebaut. He takes a trip on the lake to the castle of Duingt before spending the night on a portaledge on the side of a wall. The next day, he heads for Lake Aiguebelette, a Mecca for fishing and rowing. Chef Georges Paccard shares some of his cooking secrets with him before inviting him to sit down to dinner. Finally, at the Forclaz pass, Raphaël attends training sessions for acrobatic paragliders and, at the Parmelan, a slackline session.